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Hearing Healthcare Professionals

Welcome to Ave Maria Hearing, Inc

Hi, I am Sylvia and I would like to invite you to my practice, Ave Maria Hearing, Inc. I have been fitting hearing aids for over 40 years. I have the experience and passion to help you or someone you love hear and understand better. I have solutions for Tinnitus and can help you "HEAR EASIER" to reduce cognitive overload.


My Services Include:

• Audiometric Evaluations

• Tympanometry

• O.A.E.

• Digital Hearing Aids

• Tinnitus Solutions

• All Hearing Aid Repairs

• Custom Ear Molds

• Hearing Aid Batteries

• BlueTooth Accessories

  Growing up in the 60s and 70s, there were not many options regarding hearing aids. I remember going with my grandpa and grandma to the hearing aid office, grandpa’s hearing aids squealed all the time. He could not hear it, but my grandma and I could! He wore big behind the ear (BTEs) hearing aids with big ear molds. Knowing what I know now, his ear molds were not fitting well.


  I wish my grandpa could have had hearing aids like the ones I fit today. What a difference they would have made for him, my grandma and me too. When we would go fishing he would not wear his hearing aids because they were not waterproof. With the hearing aids today, he could have worn them and we could have carried on a conversation instead of just smiling at each other.


  Why is better (easier) hearing an important sense, because depriving the brain of auditory stimulation is a serious problem. It can lead to auditory neuropathy. There have been many clinical studies going back to the 1940’s that show a potential link to untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline issues including Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, falls, Depression and other serious health issues.

  There have been important studies published in the Lancet (a well respected medical journal) over the years that report on these findings. You can read these articles for yourself: Lancet December 2022, Lancet March 13, 2021 to name a few.

The findings show that hearing loss is the third leading cause of years lived with disability for all ages. Hearing loss is the largest potentially modifiable risk factor for the development of Dementia. Being a “modifiable risk factor” means that hearing loss can be treated.

  What about tinnitus? Tinnitus or ringing in the ears is also a serious condition. People suffering with tinnitus will also have some degree of hearing loss. Early treatment is always the best option before it gets worse because it will get worse. Untreated tinnitus and / or untreated hearing loss will get worse!

  I have been helping people treat hearing loss and tinnitus for over 40 years. I can help you or a loved one. On your first visit. I will get to know you and to understand your symptoms. I will preform a complete audiological evaluation and discuss your medical history. Then, determine what stage of hearing loss and / or tinnitus you are experiencing. I can then answer your questions and discuss a customized treatment plan for you.

  Custom ear molds provide the best acoustics for understanding speech in and out of noise… providing a prescriptive fit. One of the reasons I have been so successful treating patients in my practice over the years, is that most patients are fit with custom ear molds. Your hearing loss like your fingerprint is unique to you so a custom fit ear piece is the best solution for your treatment plan.               I cannot help my grandpa today, but I can help you or someone you love.

Please call to schedule an appointment to begin your journey to easier hearing today!

In Home Service Available. Call for more information. 239-455-4655

A full service Hearing Health Care Provider with over 40 years experience in the hearing field. Sylvia and Craig Horgan have been Naples residents since 2003. In June of 2015 they moved to Ave Maria and have now opened a hearing aid center here. Sylvia is the owner of Hearing In Paradise in Naples, Beautiful Hearing in Naples and Bayside Hearing in Ft Myers and has been fitting hearing aids for over 40 years. Specializing in Tinnitus Treatment.

The office is open by appointment. Please call for more information. 239-455-4655

Call to schedule an evaluation today! 239-455-4655

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